Boucle de la rivière Quiock (hike)

Route De La Traversee Petit-Bourg Basse-Terre

Voir le trajet

The Quiock River hike can be tackled in two ways: either by making a one-way trip, parking a car at the start and at the finish, or as a loop.
To start, go to the upper level of the Maison de la Forêt (forest house) parking lot, and cross the road to the yellow arrow indicating the trail start of Quiock River Hike and its 17 river crossings. Needless to say visitors are strongly advised not to hike if it has been raining either on the day you plan to hike, or in the days leading up to it.
After walking along Bras David, the trail diverges to reach the Quiock River. River crossings begin at this point, it is important to stay alert and proceed with caution. The biggest challenge on this hike is to keep track of the tags, particularly at the river crossings. As you cross, the tags will not be visible, and keeping your balance on slippery rocks will be a priority. Before crossing, it is essential to locate the arrows on the other side, so if you do get a bit off course during the crossing, you will have a landmark to look for on the other side. At each pass, the water level and the distance between the two banks differ. In some places it will be possible to jump from one rock to another, in others the rocks will be entirely submerged, sometimes to half level.
Towards the end of the hike, the calm of the forest will be replaced by sound of cars on the nearby road. As you leave the canopy of trees, you will need to walk along the road to finish the trail. Keep left for about 40 metres before the tags lead you back into the woods. From here the tags will bring you to the end of the trail.

Practical Information
Distance: 8.5 km for the loop
Duration: 4 hours
Difficulty: medium
Total Ascent: 280 m
Trail Markers: yellow
Advice: Leave for the day with a picnic and take your time discovering the many swimming spots available at the Quiock River.
Top Tip: For the one-way hike, park a car in the parking lot of Bras David and another one further along towards Pointe-Noire in the location indicated to the right of the road. A sign indicates the trail.